Progress Requires Movement

John Robert Wooden, considered the greatest NCAA basketball head coach of all time said, “If we fail to adapt, we fail to move forward.” We feel the same way. In order to stay viable, serve our community and its students, and progress, Apollo Career Center has to be fluid and flexible.

Apollo has always responded to business needs and workforce demands, and we continue to look at new offerings as we are approached with ideas. Enrollment continues to expand with the increasing popularity of career tech and the proven value of the skills students learn.

The process we use when we consider adding programs is multi-layered consisting of input from many different sectors. We also weigh the variables and ask many questions when considering new programs including:

  1. Is there a need in our community and by employers?
  2. Are we confident that we can enroll enough students in the program to make it viable?
  3. Do we have space? (space is becoming limited at Apollo)
  4. Can we cover the expense of personnel and equipment?

Three years ago we trained 25 welders per year. The need for welders was evident, we consistently had a waiting list and the Adult Education welding lab was available for use during the school day. Employer need, student demand, available space and financial viability made the decision to add another Welding and Fabrication class an easy one. We now train 49 welders per year in the high school.

We then started the process to add firefighting and electrical which were offered through Adult Education. We had the supporting infrastructure, support from fire chiefs and electrical contractors, and an identifiable need for both programs.  Fire/EMS Technology is in its third year and Electrical Systems Technology in year two. Both are currently at enrollment capacity and very successful.

For the 2022-23 school year we are adding HVAC and Senior-Only Robotics after receiving support from industry representatives and partner schools.

Not only do we regularly consider new programs, but we also evaluate our current programs to ensure we are serving our students and community to the best of our abilities. As always, thank you for supporting Apollo Career Center and its mission to prepare students for whatever is next. #NextReady

Follow us on Twitter at @ApolloCC, @ApolloCCSuper


Keith Horner, Superintendent

February Campus News

Greetings from the Apollo campus, Typically, when launching a new program, enrollment starts slowly as it takes time for students, parents, and others to connect the program to its related career path. I am excited to share that the new program Criminal

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MakerFest Fuels Great Connections

    Many of you are familiar with or took part in the October MakerFest: Your Path, Your Future event. Apollo is dedicated to supporting career exploration and MakerFest provides an ideal setting for students and businesses to connect. This event gives students

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September ’24

The start of a new school year is exciting. All the planning and preparation completed over the summer to welcome and educate over 950 high school students is tested and the ability to accommodate the unexpected is important. NextReady isn’t just for

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